D. Chatelain & al., Modification of the nozzle geometry to improve HA deposition efficiency in cold gas spraying

European Ceramic Society (ECerS), event, 10-14 July 2022, Krakow, (oral accepted) D. Chatelain1, A. Denoirjean1, V. Guipont², F. Rossignol1 and N.Tessier-Doyen1 1 Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques (IRCER), UMR CNRS 7315 ; 12 rue Atlantis, 87068 LIMOGES, France ² Centre des Matériaux, MINES Paris Tech, UMR CNRS 7633 ; 63-65 rue…

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Influence of the thermal treatment of a hydroxyapatite powder on the characteristics of coatings deposited by cold gas spraying

Surface and Coating Technology – Elsevier – 07/09/2022 D. Chatelain1, A. Denoirjean1, V. Guipont², F. Rossignol1 and N.Tessier-Doyen1 1 Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques (IRCER), UMR CNRS 7315 ; 12 rue Atlantis, 87068 LIMOGES, France ² Centre des Matériaux, MINES Paris Tech, UMR CNRS 7633 ; 63-65 rue Henri-Auguste Desbruyères, 91000…

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D. Chatelain & al., Hydroxyapatite coating by cold gas spraying: interest of a PEEK sublayer

International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC), event, 04-06 May 2022, Vienna, ASM-DVS-IIW pub., 8pp. (oral accepted) D. Chatelain1, A. Denoirjean1, V. Guipont², F. Rossignol1 and N.Tessier-Doyen1 1 Institut de Recherche sur les Céramiques (IRCER), UMR CNRS 7315 ; 12 rue Atlantis, 87068 LIMOGES, France ² Centre des Matériaux, MINES Paris Tech, UMR…

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G.Céleste et al., « Investigation of agglomerated ceramic powders suitable for cold spray »

G.Céleste, V. Guipont, D. Missoum-Benziane, « Investigation of agglomerated ceramic powders suitable for cold spray », International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC), virtual event, 24 – 28 May 2021, ASM-DVS-IIW pub., 8pp. (oral accepted) Abstract : Cold gas spraying is a solid-state deposition process developed for metallic powders as feedstock materials….

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D. Chatelain et al., Mise au point de poudres céramiques adaptées au cold spray (Oral)

Dylan CHATELAIN (1), Alain DENOIRJEAN (1), Vincent GUIPONT (2), Fabrice ROSSIGNOL (1), Nicolas TESSIER DOYEN (1) 1 Institut de Recherches sur les Céramiques (IRCer), UMR CNRS 7315 2 Centre des Matériaux, MINES ParisTech, UMR CNRS 7633 Exposé oral présenté lors des journées annuelles du Groupe Français de la Céramique à…

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Moreau at al. , 2017 ‘Cold Spray Coating of Submicronic Ceramic Particles on Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Dry and Hydrogel States’

[ Moreau, 2017] Moreau, D., Borit, F., Corté, L., and Guipont, V. (2017). Cold Spray Coating of Submicronic Ceramic Particles on Poly(vinyl alcohol) in Dry and Hydrogel States. J. Thermal Spray Technol. 26, 958–969. DOI 10.1007/s11666-017-0551-8 / hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01599371   Abstract: We report an approach using cold spray technology to coat poly(vinyl…

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