G. Céleste et al., Investigation of the deformation behavior of an agglomerated ceramic powder by cold spray

Regroupement International de la Projection Thermique (RIPT), Jülich (Germany), 01 – 03 June 2022, (poster accepted) Geoffrey CELESTE1, Vincent GUIPONT1, Djamel MISSOUM-BENZIANE1, Guillaume KERMOUCHE2, Sergio SAO-JOAO2, Séverine Girard-Insardi2 1 Centre des matériaux – CMAT, Mines ParisTech – PSL, UMR CNRS 7633 ; 63 – 65 rue Henri-Auguste Desbruères, 91000 EVRY,…

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G.Céleste et al., « Assessment of agglomerated ceramic powders under impact by cold spraying »

G. Céleste, V. Guipont, D. Missoum-Benziane, G. Kermouche, S. Sao-Joao, S. Girard-Insardi, « Assessment of agglomerated ceramic powders under impact by cold spraying », International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC), Vienna (Austria), 03 – 06 May 2022, ASM-DVS-IIW pub., 10pp. (oral accepted) Abstract : Most of ductile metals can be deposited…

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